About Kuhlman Consulting


Kuhlman Consulting was founded on March 20, 2021, though official registration with the State of Mississippi was delayed until June 1, 2021. The founder, Randy Kuhlman, possesses an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University. He is a staunch student of leadership, dedicated to the servant leadership style. Currently, Randy is a doctoral student through Capella University, focusing on a DBA specializing in strategy and innovation. He is certified in Lean Six Sigma (green belt) and is a supporter and believer in continuous improvement. Randy is renowned for his belief that continuous improvement should not be the end-all, save-all for businesses; rather, the individual tools that make sense to the client should be implemented and used. 


Kuhlman Consulting was formed as a means to provide services to small and mid-sized businesses, a segment often overlooked by all but the Small Business Association. The vision is to help grow and develop these businesses by providing services ranging from business documentation and administration to leadership and organizational change.